If you can’t find the answer you want in our FAQs section, please feel free to contact us using the form below. We don’t like to keep people waiting – and so will be in touch as soon as possible.
Please stay in touch with us via our social pages on Facebook and Instagram @izzybeegifts and look out for our competitions and give-aways.
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Email: info@izzybee.co.uk
Chat: Live chat to us (speech bubble icon in the corner). If we're not available we'll get right back.
Phone: 01494 706709 for customer service (please don't use this number to sell us your product or service- please email us instead)
Our Registered Business Address Is:
IzzyBee Ltd
Kings Head House
15 London End
Registered in England Company Number 11513453
Don't hesitate to contact us- we're very friendly and would be thrilled to help. We try our best to respond to emails within 24hrs (actually it's usually a lot quicker).