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    Houseplant Care Kit

    From our Izzy's Gardenrange - 

    Houseplant Care Kit

    Any plant parent will appreciate this useful houseplant care kit - with microfibre leaf cleaning gloves to keep leaves healthy, shining and vibrant, a soil moisture checker to take the guesswork out of watering and an adorable tiny treehouse for their plant!

    There is also the option to include an organic plant leaf shine spray to give leaves a beautiful shine and help them photosynthesise.


    • Leaf Cleaning Microfibre Gloves- super stretchy so one size fits all, they attract and trap dust to leave plants healthy. Made from recycled PET material. Suitable for wet or dry cleaning.
    • Soil Moisture Checker- made of wood. Take the guesswork out of watering! Poke into the soil to take a tiny sample of soil from the top to the bottom of the pot in one go to check how dry or soaked the soil is. 
    • Tiny Treehouse - adorable decoration for a plant. Easy to assemble, made from brass. Also includes a tiny ropeladder, swing, monkey & insects!
    • Option to add-  Organic plant leaf shine spray by Norfolk Natural Living. Made from natural ingredients in 100ml glass bottle. Pet safe.

    • Wooden Trug  with paper shred and A6 folded Cardwith your message handwritten.

    This hamper is from our 'Izzy's Garden' range. Have a look at our sister company a full range of gardening gifts and hampers.

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